
Patryk Zakrocki in Ursynow

day 30/31/32
We visited Patryk, a former member of Mitch & Mitch, a.k.a. Crazy Mitch and now somehow solo musician and composer in his appartment in Ursynow, a suburban zone in southern Warsaw. We hung out at his place and listened to his music. Very nice talk about music in general and improvisation scenes in Warsaw. Afterwards we got really tired, tried to watch Two Lane Blacktop, but already slept away... today it was kind of an off-day as far as Julien got some flue invaders in his body and Nick had an appointment for a model agency... some supermarket shopping... hang out at Marianna's, introducing her to our exhibition, meeting photographer Szymon Roginski at the cafe, and again killing time in the studio. Kind of tired. The Texas flag has arrived. No more news so far, just tons of work to do. Tomorrow evening will be a busy with shows and some artyfarty party in the evening we're looking forward to...